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A Surnames

Crown Hill Cemetery

4301 E 66th Street N
Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma






ABAIR Helen Mae Thornsberry 1/29/1926 1/5/2011 W of William   photo
ABAIR William Esaw 10/30/1924 1/4/2016 H of Helen photo
Abbott Tina Marlene 12/24/1960 12/25/2000 photo
Abercrombie Tennie   12/14/1955 photo
Abernathy Iola 1872 1971 photo
Abernathy Lubertha 1901 1969 W of William    photo
Abernathy Mae Frances "Mae Mae"  Williams 6/15/1943 11/20/2010 photo
Abernathy William 1900 Aug 1982 H of Lubertha  photo
ABRAHAM Del 12/31/1925 9/11/1944 photo
ABRAHAM Ernest 11/15/1894 12/7/1933  
ABRAHAM James 1849 12/6/1935  
ABRAHAM Martha L Tilley 2/15/1918 6/23/1994 photo
ADAMS Annie M 7/9/1922 1/1/1992 photo
ADAMS Cora 1890 1959 photo
ADAMS Donna Marria 4/18/1947 10/31/2005 photo
ADAMS Edna 2/21/1897 7/27/1939 photo
ADAMS Eliza 1908 1955 photo
ADAMS George Elisha 11/21/1898 6/17/1969 photo
ADAMS John 1885 1954 photo
ADAMS Ruth E 9/23/1913 3/9/1986  
ADKINS Bertha B 1889 1972 W of Lonnie    photo
ADKINS Lonnie 1899 1968 H of Bertha    photo
ADKINS Luther 12/24/1921 8/20/2002 Wed Magnolia 8/31/1940 photo
ADKINS Magnolia Littlejohn 12/24/1919 10/30/2002 Wed Luther 8/31/1940 photo
ADKINS Rodrick Glen Jr 2/23/1978 9/17/1978 photo
ADKINSON Delinor 2/20/1947   photo
ADKINSON Mary Presley 9/10/1914 1/1/1996 W of Thomas   photo
ADKINSON Thomas 4/20/1910 2/16/1999 H of Mary    photo
AGNEW Andy 1886 1966 H of Bessie    photo
AGNEW Bessie 1879 1965 W of Andy    photo
AKIN Louise 1/7/1898 1/15/1960 photo
AKIN Lula 1886 1956 photo
Akinrinola Ivy May 7/10/1933 9/20/2011 photo
Akins Yvonne Chantea 11/8/1985 2/10/2017 Photo
ALBERT V 1897   photo
ALBERTY Rollie 2/26/1907 7/28/1988 photo
Alexander Aaliyah De'Nae 3/26/2012 7/23/2017 Photos
Alexander Alex L Jr 10/19/1937 3/31/2018 Photo
Alexander Annie 1863 1951 photo
Anthony Alton 2/19/1953 6/3/2001 PFC US Army - Vietnam
Chester 11/4/1934 5/15/1967 OK AB US Air Force
Alexander Chontec Michell Cook 5/25/1981 1/13/2008 photo
Alexander Curby J 1885 1943 photo
Alexander Dr Daniel James 2/6/1931 4/10/2002 photo
Alexander Ethel L 11/8/1933 8/9/2010 photo
Everett 3/12/1939 2/20/1968 OK Pvt US Army
Alexander Ezra Edward 2/17/1928 2/4/2021  
Alexander Harold Jr 11/29/1957 7/9/1999 photo
Alexander Ida M 7/27/1889 8/12/1962 W of Walter    photo
Alexander Inez 1906 1986 photo
Alexander Jesse 8/2/1904 6/16/1944 photo
Alexander John 1897 1962 H of Mary    photo
Alexander Judy A 4/23/1961 4/23/1961 photo
Alexander Lula Rorex 8/10/1910 8/24/1982 photo
Alexander Mabel V 10/21/1932 4/29/2013 photo
Alexander Markisha Nicole 8/24/1988 9/16/1988 photo
Alexander Marvin "Ping" 1/4/1954 9/30/1995 photo
Alexander Mary 1899 1962 W of John    photo
Alexander Marzetta 1903 1949 photo
Alexander Raymond 3/30/1989 5/26/2006 photo
Alexander Rosie L 1943 1973 photo
Alexander Vickie 5/29/1962 7/30/2011 photo
Alexander Walter S 1/18/1893 8/8/1972 H of Ida      photo
Alexander Wendell Dwight Sr "Chiefy" 10/2/1983 11/17/2009 photo
Alexander Willis 1901 1974 photo
ALFORD Amos J Sr 6/23/1934 3/12/2008 photo
ALFORD Janet Marie Black 7/26/1948 9/25/2005 photo
ALLEN Edward T "Peter" 11/8/1966 11/21/1990 photo
ALLEN Frank Everette Mitchell 7/15/1945 12/27/2013  
ALLEN Garland L Sr 9/16/1955 5/21/2012 Photo
ALLEN Henry "Hank" 5/11/1932 8/8/2018 Photo
ALLEN James T 1908 1999 S/S Dorothy L. Dews
H of Vera  photo
ALLEN Katherine Deloris 5/9/1930 1/19/2012  
ALLEN Liller Belle 11/11/1918 4/4/2011 photo
ALLEN Rosalie 7/2/1895 4/11/1936 photo
ALLEN Senna Tucker 1891 1945 photo
ALLEN Thelma Mae Nelson 4/11/1916 Jan 1984 photo
Thomas C 5/11/1902 9/26/1960 PFC Co B 482nd Port Bn US Army  WW II
ALLEN Vera Robinson 19/29/1910 1/21/1979 W of James T photo
ALLEN Victoria L 9/20/1880 1/15/1962 Photo
ALLISON Willie M 1907 1965 photo
AMOS Alice 1891 1951 photo
ANDERSON A B Jr "Coach" 2/5/1942 8/10/2000 photo
ANDERSON Alfred 12/9/1916 7/14/2002 photo
ANDERSON Allie B 1907 1988 Spouse of Beatrice     photo
ANDERSON Anna 1885 1932 photo
ANDERSON Anthony M 1/31/1935 6/5/2021  
ANDERSON ? Marie Wilson     photo
ANDERSON Arvie 3/19/1905 1/21/2000 H of Betty   photo
ANDERSON Beatrice 1911 1998 Spouse of Allie    photo
ANDERSON Betty T 11/22/1907 12/23/1981 W of Arvie  photo
ANDERSON Rev Calvester 1917 2001 H of Irma   photo
ANDERSON Carrye M 5/24/1946 3/27/2017 Photo
ANDERSON Della Mae 1928 1964 photo
ANDERSON Elgerine 8/5/1917 2/24/1996 photo
ANDERSON Emma 1874 1974 photo
ANDERSON Eric D 3/17/1965 2019 Photo
ANDERSON Erma J 11/11/1919 6/1/2003 photo
Henderson 3/11/1898 11/12/1977 Pvt US Army  WW I
ANDERSON Irene 1905 1985 photo
ANDERSON Irma H 1915 1991 W of Calvester  photo
James 8/26/1923 4/5/1971 OK TEC5 US Army 
WW II        photo
ANDERSON James Antonio 1/19/1962 6/20/2020  
ANDERSON James W 1900 1973 photo
ANDERSON Jim Jr 1935 1987 photo
ANDERSON Katie 1849 1948 photo
ANDERSON Lee Arthur Jr 9/5/1942 1/17/2018 Photo
ANDERSON Leeola 4/26/1932 3/31/2001 photo
ANDERSON Leona 1906 1955 photo
ANDERSON Mark Christian Jr 6/15/1987 4/15/2006 photo
ANDERSON Octavia Ealom 1913 1984 photo
ANDERSON Patience 1907 1984 photo
ANDERSON Paul 4/1/1868 3/13/1960 photo
ANDERSON Robert H 1887 1974 photo
ANDERSON Rose 12/23/1859 10/8/1942 photo
ANDERSON Sybil Griffin 2/15/1947 1/16/1968 photo
ANDERSON Travis H 5/13/1954 7/11/1993 photo
ANDERSON Vera Lee 1925 1977 photo
ANDERSON Verry Bell     photo
ANDERSON Willie Nolis 1922 1970 photo
ANDING Brisco 12/23/1904 1/7/1950 photo
ANDING Thelma Gooch 10/9/1912 12/4/2013 photo
ANDREWS Agnes 2/22/1902 11/1/1958 photo
ANDREWS Clotiel "Teana" 8/29/1939 5/2/2002 photo
ANDREWS James 10/2/1938 2/9/1995 photo
ANDREWS Nathaniel 1936 1978 photo
ANDREWS Nettie 1899 1986 photo
ANDREWS Dr Sarah I 9/15/1904 12/20/1977 photo
ANJORIN Femi Charrone "Fame" 12/29/1977 5/25/2001 photo
ANTHONY Alice 1891 1974 photo
ANTWINE Bettie Jean 2/13/1943 11/13/1995 photo
ANTWINE Hester 8/19/1921 1/17/2005 photo
ANTWINE John Wesley III 12/23/2012 12/23/2012 S of Ebone & John
ARLEDGE Emma Evelyn Jordan 1914 1984 Photo
ARLEDGE Evelyn M 1964 1964 D of Milton M    photo
ARLEDGE Helen Marie "Rita" Howard 10/5/1940 3/8/2012 W of Milton photo
ARLEDGE Jessie D 1/2/1975 10/8/2000 photo
ARLEDGE Marco B 2/8/1965 11/22/1996 photo
ARLEDGE Milton M 1939 1981 H of Helen   photo
ARLEDGE Norris Bennett 7/8/1962 6/17/2011 photo
Armington Harry Lee 7/4/1945 7/28/1965 photo
ARMSTEAD Carol J 1943 1970 photo
ARMSTEAD Lawrence 7/31/1930 7/22/2003 photo
ARMSTEAD Omega 7/11/1898 6/18/1948 photo
Armstrong Rev Phillip S 9/14/1942 1/6/2005 photo
Armstrong Victoria 3/23/1926 12/7/1986 photo
Armstrong Viory "Mama Vi" 6/14/1919 10/23/1989 photo
William George 7/17/1956 12/4/2004 Pvt US Army     photo
Willis C 10/22/1894 2/17/1966 OK Pvt Co A 809th Pioneer INF  WW I
ARNOLD Albert E 1/14/1907 3/26/1961 photo
ARNOLD Cecil Robert 2/12/1959 5/21/2014  
ARNOLD Joe C 1895 1990 H of Pearl     photo
ARNOLD Juanita Burnett 7/27/1909 3/21/2005 photo
ARNOLD Mary E 3/11/1896 6/23/1971 photo
ARNOLD Pearl 2/2/1899 8/22/1995 W of Joe     photo
ARPS Gary Spencer "Goo" 5/15/1969 11/6/2006 photo
Arrington Bertha Gaines 9/14/1920 10/21/1987 photo
ASHER Geneva 19/19/1919 10/3/2008 photo
ASHER Lonell 1909 1972 photo
ATKINS Anthony R 6/25/1945 12/13/1997 photo
ATKINS Margarette 11/23/1923 9/15/1994  
ATTAWAY Kenneth Don 3/19/1964 9/1/2009 photo
Otis 12/20/1890 11/22/1976 Pvt US Army  WW I  Photo
AUGUST Willie 7/29/1899 11/25/1975 photo
Alfred 10/6/1921 5/4/2016 Military Veteran
H of Henrietta  (1977)
AUSTIN Dorothy E Ragsdale 6/19/1929 5/23/1998 Photo
AUSTIN Eunice Holt 1890 1987 W of Will       photo
AUSTIN Eva Joann Dean 5/19/1943 11/18/2013 photo
AUSTIN Fannie F 6/25/1889 11/17/1965 photo
AUSTIN Harold Jr 11/20/1954 6/26/2008 photo
Harold J 4/22/1929 5/9/1988 Pvt US Army Korea
AUSTIN Henrietta Mae Fortner (Cobbs) 9/29/1925 2/1/2016 W of Eddie Cobbs (1942)
W of Alfred (1977)
AUSTIN John 3/22/1885 8/20/1961 photo
AUSTIN Kelly 10/26/1913 6/6/2000 H of Mary  photo
AUSTIN Leeroy 10/27/1885 4/3/1965 photo
AUSTIN Mary 6/9/1926 6/28/2006 W of Kelly  photo
AUSTIN Nathaniel 1927   photo
AUSTIN Robert Lee 7/3/1915 11/21/1994 photo
AUSTIN Will 1889 6/8/1968 H of Eunice    photo
AUSTIN Willie L Sims 10/10/1905 3/4/2004 photo
AVANCE Hubert 3/29/1921 12/20/2014  
AVANCE Reginald B 1950 1973 photo
AVANCE Willie Ida "Tubby" 1/25/1923 6/2/1996 photo
AYERS Lallie D 1895   photo

This page was updated: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 17:58:52 UTC

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